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New Brunswick

Veronika and her guide dog

Meet Veronika

Group facilitators like Veronika change lives!
"It helped me make sense and find a purpose for my pain by knowing I was able to help others going through the same experience”
Mother and son reading a braille book

Reading Contracted Braille

Learn to read contracted braille.
Hands reading braille

UEB Technical

UEB Technical is intended for those who hold certification in UEB .
Boy and mother smiling

Travis's Battle

At two years old, an E.coli infection almost took Travis's life and stole his sight.
Man with sunglasses reading braille

Reading Uncontracted Braille

Learn to read uncontracted braille.
Little girl using a  brailler

Reading and Writing Uncontracted Braille

Learn to read and write uncontracted braille.
Boy using a brailler

Unified English Braille (UEB) Transcription Course

This intensive course leads to certification in UEB, qualifying you to transcribe English print materials into contracted braille.
Braille music and a violin

Music Braille Course

Learn to transcribe music into braille.