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Volunteer with CNIB Guide Dogs

CNIB Guide Dogs Logo: A sketch of a dog in harness. Text: CNIB Guide Dogs.
Two images. Left: A professional photoshoot. A yellow guide dog in harness sits next to a tiny black pup in training. Right: A guide dog hander crosses a busy downtown street with their black guide dog in harness.

Support CNIB Guide Dogs

Guide dogs are partners in mobility and independence for people who are blind, Deafblind, or have low vision and can open up the world in a profoundly different way. But before these dogs can embark on their life-changing roles as guide dogs, they require months of socialization, exposure to new environments, and basic obedience training. Puppy raisers and boarders are instrumental in this process, nurturing and preparing these young pups for their future roles as guide dogs.

Puppy raising and boarding is a rewarding volunteer opportunity filled with unconditional love that changes many lives – including yours! 

Volunteers are a critical part of our guide dog program, and we’re always in need of volunteer puppy raisers and boarders. With support from CNIB Guide Dogs staff, you would play a pivotal role in raising a puppy to become a guide dog and help change the life of someone who is blind, Deafblind, or has low vision. We offer short-term and long-term volunteer opportunities; previous experience with dogs is not required. If you’re eager to learn, the CNIB Guide Dogs team is here to provide you with support and training, so you can feel confident in your volunteer role. 

What does a puppy raiser or boarder do?

What's involved, what's required, and what's the commitment? Andrea Critch explains.

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Volunteer Roles

A person holds a yellow puppy wearing a yellow CNIB Guide Dog in Training vest. The pup is resting in their arms.
A black puppy wearing a CNIB Guide Dog in Training vest walks towards the camera.
A yellow puppy wearing a CNIB Guide Dog in Training vest. The pup is laying down on a carpeted floor.
A black puppy wearing a CNIB Guide Dog in Training looks directly into the camera. Puppy eyes!

Puppy Raiser

Puppy raisers provide a safe and loving home to one of our future Guide Dog puppies from the age of 8 weeks to 12-15 months.

Puppy Starter

Puppy starters provide a safe and loving home to one of our future Guide Dog puppies from the age of 8 weeks to 6 months.

Puppy Finisher

Puppy finishers provide a safe and loving home to one of our future Guide Dog puppies from the age of 6 months to 12 to 15 months.

Boarder & Transition Dog Boarder

Boarders provide temporary care for future CNIB Guide Dogs. 

Apply to become a puppy raiser or boarder!

If you are interested in becoming a CNIB Guide Dogs volunteer, please carefully review the volunteer position descriptions listed above and fill out the application form to get the process started. 

Outdoors, a puppy raising volunteer crouches down on the ground next to a black puppy in training. The puppy raiser has her arm around the pup and the pup is wearing a yellow "future guide dog in training" vest.